Some Quotes to Pay Attention To

In 1932 Baba said:
"I have explained it all in detail in my book. Even scientists will be astonished to learn the secrets I have explained there. For these will not be vague talks but facts that are substantiated and supported by scientific arguments. It will be the future Bible, not in the literal sense, but a book of understanding for people of all religions." – Meher Baba LM 1607
In 1965 Baba said:
". . . by the end of November 1967 — there will be the war that will destroy three-fourths of the world. India will be desolated. All countries will suffer untold disaster, but America will survive a little more than the rest of the world. I will then break my silence, after which there will be my Universal Manifestation and the world will come to know Who I am." – Meher Baba LM 5157
Two years later, out of the blue and with no clear meaning, at the end of November 1967, Baba said:
"Father, pity them for they know not what will happen." 
Meher Baba LM, p.5302 Said at the end of November 1967
At the very time Baba said these words, two men, Aurelio Peccei and Alexander King, "met several times in the latter part of 1967 and early-1968, and then decided that they had to do something constructive to encourage longer-range thinking among Western European governments." This turned out to be the germination of the Club of Rome, which included as part of its comprehensive plan for the Earth what they called the problematic. The concept of the problematic was that the overarching cause of the world's problems was overpopulation and they would devise both justifications and methods to depopulate the Earth. This amounted to a secret declaration of war against humanity by the world's elite. 

A quote by Baba about the year 2029 (IN 5 YEARS). Interesting because it is so close to 2030. See Agenda 2030
"Sixty years after my body drops, people in the thousands will come here and will collect even the very dust of this Meherabad because I have trod on it." – Meher Baba LM, p.3812 
And here is yet another about the same time. 
"Sixty years after I drop my body, you will find what wonderful changes take place in the world and how many people will take my name. There will be thousands who will sacrifice their very life in my name. But how fortunate you are that I am in your midst, that you are sitting before me and I am telling you to take my name when about to pass away! There will be no one to tell them to take my name after 60 years." – Meher Baba LM, p. 3832 
"Seventy years after I drop my body, this place will turn into a place of pilgrimage, where lovers of God, philosophers and celebrities will come to pay homage." – Meher Baba LM p. 4269
Here is my interpretation about the above. We are in for a hell of a time over the next few years. But between now and the end of 2028 many people will begin to accept Baba as the Avatar. This connects the first and last quotes: ". . . after which there will be my Universal Manifestation and the world will come to know Who I am." and ". . . philosophers and celebrities will come to pay homage [at my tomb]."

To me this means that Baba's cosmological panorama has been accepted and philosophers (the least likely people in the world to pay homage to anyone) will recognize the healing aspect of Baba's teaching and have come to thank him – recognizing he was truly the Christ. Celebrities indicates that world attention is on his tomb.


I always intended my writing for a time in the future and not now. It is meant to serve as a bridge for philosophers in the future in trying to understand Baba. My faith that such philosophers will one day turn to him for answers is based on two quotes by Baba:

"I am not for philosophers and celebrities!" 
– Meher Baba, Lord Meher online 3881 
(retrieved 1/5/22)

and three years later, standing beside the tomb with philosopher Dr. Deshmukh he said:

"Seventy years after I drop my body, this place will turn into a place of pilgrimage, where lovers of God, philosophers and celebrities will come to pay homage." 
– Meher Baba Lord Meher online p. 4269 (retrieved 1/5/22)

Combined I have long taken these two quotes (using almost the same wording of "philosophers and celebrities") to mean that he was not, during his lifetime, for the philosophers, but only his lovers, but that eventually they would come. 

By the way, I know many people find my writing and videos to be tedious. That's all right. Philosophers won't feel that way in the future. That kind of tedium is part of their training.
"I have come to bring about a revolution in man's thinking, the slowest of all revolutions." 
– Meher Baba, Statement to the press in Nasik, India in 1937, The Awakener Magazine, Vol. XXI, No. 2, p. 6 (Source)

In another interview with the Evening News of India, Baba was asked, “Why don’t you break your self-imposed silence and preach in the marketplace?” Baba replied, “Every great change must be carefully timed. How else could it be with the greatest revolution in the mind of man?” The interview was given on Christmas 1936 and published on January 7, 1937. Lord Meher, online rev. ed., 1759. See also Kitty’s “Reminiscences” in The Awakener Magazine, vol. 10, no. 2 (Special Nasik Issue 1964), p. 1. 


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