My "Religion"
Some groups have claimed names for themselves like "Baba followers" and "Baba lovers." I do not belong to any collective group-think that these names have come to connote. And yet I follow Baba. How could this be? Well, if you came upon a man in Salt Lake City (where there is a large Mormon population) and he said he was a follower of Jesus but not a Mormon, you might be confused. "How can he follow Jesus and not be a Mormon?" But that man might mean he reads the words of Jesus and tries to take them to heart, and even tries to follow those teachings whenever possible. Well that is how it is for me. I follow Baba in so much as I read his words and take them to heart and try to live in accord with them if possible. But as for those who today call themselves "Baba lovers," I have very little in common. In fact, I find many of the things they claim to believe to be antithetical to how I understand Baba. I could name many, but I'll name just a f...