Evolution is no longer taking place on Earth

There are four principal tenets of Darwin's Theory of Evolution.

1. Gradualism -- Taken from 19th century developments in geological science, gradualism is the view that formative processes take place gradually over very long periods of time.

2. Continuously occurring accidental mutations -- Mutations are always occurring in biological forms, at all levels, at all times, and at an even rate. So there is constant change in the shapes of species. Nothing is standing still.

3. Randomness -- Mutations in biological forms are random and have no direction, pattern, or purpose. Evolution has no design or intention.

4. Natural Selection -- Selection of the fittest specimens by natural forces like competition for limited food resources, mating preferences, and predators, effectively selects certain traits and leaves others to go extinct. Those with a new trait that forms by random mutation that is more conducive to survival eventually replace those without the trait. This is what they call natural selection, which is really a kind of natural weeding out. It was later called "survival of the fittest" by Herbert Spencer.

Here now is the problem and why I say evolution is not occurring on Earth as we are told. 

According to the first and second tenets – gradualism and constantly occurring mutations – changing of the shape of all species currently on Earth must still be ongoing. It can't have occurred once and stopped. However, the facts of the fossil record contradict these tenets. Here are four examples of species currently alive on the Earth that have remained unchanged for at least 240 million years

1. The coelacanth hasn't changed one iota in 410 million years. Long believed extinct, the first living specimen was discovered in a South African fisherman's catch in 1938.

2. The common dragonfly has not changed in 300 million years ago. Except for size, its shape remains identical to fossils of ancient specimens.

3. Alligators haven't changed in 245 million years.

4. Fossils of horseshoe crabs have been dated as far back as 445 million years. They remain identical today.

The fact that these have not changed in such a long time proves that the Darwinian paradigm of evolution is false. 

In classes in biology students are given the following example of natural selection directing gradual evolution. In the 19th century it was noticed that peppered moths in a forest in England that had been predominantly white became predominantly black when pollution caused the trees to blacken. Birds that had previously eaten the black moths (visible against the previously whiter trees) began to eat the white ones more often (now more visible against the newly blackened tree bark). This of course changed the dominant population of moths from white to black.

The disingenuous thing about this example is that there were already both light colored and dark colored moths in the peppered moth population. All that happened is that the white ones in that population were eliminated. Nothing that hadn't previously existed actually evolved. 

And ironically this kind of natural selection by birds actually protected the moth population, serving as a mechanism for homeostasis.

Today, students are told that the prime evidence for Darwinian evolution is the constant adaptation of viruses which supposedly evolve into new variants at a constant and rapid speed. In reality no virus has ever been properly isolated. The variants these scientists refer to exist only in computer simulations in silico. The pictures of "viruses" below are only artist's conceptions. They are computer generated images. No such objects have ever been observed in nature. 

The virus images above that now flood the internet are sheer fantasy and serve to promote the conception of evolving forms by way of natural selection. Below is what scientists actually observe when they look at a dying cell under an electron microscope.

What scientists have been taking as photographic evidence of their theoretical computer-modeled viruses are actually exosomes that cells produce to remove toxins. The use of viruses as an example of evolution by natural selection in action is yet another lie, just like the peppered moth example in the nineteenth century was. 

So how did evolution occur if not by Darwin's principles of constant random mutation and natural selection? In his book God Speaks, Meher Baba describes an alternative form of evolution, where the mechanism causing sporadic advancement is an internal drive for greater consciousness. Survival of the fittest serves only to keep species fit, and thus assure homeostasis of a given species, not to change them into different species. And for Meher Baba evolution stops with the human form, its purpose having been achieved, in conformity interestingly enough with Biblical teaching, and evolution is no longer occurring on Earth.

The Darwinian lie is now being used to convince people to get constant 'booster shots' to protect themselves from continually emerging novel "strains" of a virus they can't see, the result of constant ongoing mutation. This is a lie to get you to agree to receive injections that have nothing to do with your health, and are instead part of an agenda of genetic manipulation based on post-humanism and eugenics.  

The evolution lie is the key to the whole deception. https://www.rt.com/news/547270-omicron-covid-evolved-mice/
See Darwin Retried: An appeal to reason, Norman Macbeth (Author), Gambit; First Edition (January 1, 1971)

Like dragonflies and alligators, many species have changed only in their size over millions of years. Meet Stupendemys Geographicus. 

10 million years ago, turtles could eat you with a single bite. The world’s largest turtle that roamed South America 10 million years ago - the Stupendemys Geographicus. Stupendemys is an extinct genus of freshwater side-necked turtle, belonging to the family Podocnemididae. It is the largest freshwater turtle known to have existed, with a carapace over 2 meters long. Its fossils have been found in northern South America, in rocks dating from the Middle Miocene to the very start of the Pliocene, about 13 to 5 million years ago. Male specimens are known to have possessed bony horns growing from the front edges of the shell and the discovery of the fossil of a young adult shows that the carapace of these turtles flattens with age. A fossil skull described in 2021 indicates that Stupendemys was a generalist feeder


  1. Best breakdown of evolution that I've read, thanks. Jai Baba


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